San Antonio, Texas, United States
Boy Scout Troop 345 is sponsored by the Northwood Presbyterian Church of San Antonio TX. Traditionally Troop 345 has been a well rounded group known and respected for it's out going adventure in camping, hiking and learning new things. As many members reach the adult phase of their scouting many new boys have crossed over into the troop creating the opportunity to take the troop in a new direction and discover new interests, adventures and build lasting friendship all the while molding into the future men of tomorrow's world. As their leaders we look forward not only to what we can share with these young men through their scouting journey but also we are excited to see what we as adults may learn from them.

Scout Words and More...

April 2011
Comments regarding the traditional Fiesta Parade Fundraiser for Troop 345.

I wanted to say thanks to all who helped out on the parades the last two days. We truly could not have done it without you. I think this year’s parades were a great success; no injuries, we were able to get everything set up and taken down quickly and everyone seemed to have fun. Now the boys get to enjoy the fruits of their (and your) labor at summer camp (where I predict the high temperature will be 80 degrees).

Thanks again,
Mike Patterson 
Troop 345 Scout Master

My boys, Giovanni and Nathaniel, had a great time, got the opportunity to be productive, and were excited to stay up way passed their bed time. What more could a boy ask for!?

Susana and I appreciate your generosity in having us. We hope our boys continue to be part of Cub Scouts and also hope to be there to help next year.

Thank you,
The Euresti’s
I would like to also add two things:

1.) From our view as scouts and parents this year was a HUGE improvement from last year! Everyone pulled together at the crucial times and worked VERY well as a team!    
2.) I had several adults from the crowd come up to me asking questions and complimenting the troop on your behavior and how hard you all were working.  They were very impressed and as I said I heard many compliments from strangers.  
The Jones Family~ 

Some additional positive feedback from a ticket buyer I received today.

Received a phone call thanking us for the courtesy extended in the seating by the scout I handed off the tickets to. Sorry I cannot recall who the scout was. The buyer stated he tried to tip the young man and the scout refused to accept the gratuity. The recalled the story of William Boyce lost in the fog and understood but wanted the adults to get the feedback and positive comments of the politeness and courtesy that improved the experience. He felt strongly enough to take the time to contact me in praise of the adult leadership.

I think it noteworthy that someone would take the time to call as generally we only hear people verbalize the negative.

We are making a difference by placing young men in positive situations to demonstrate their values and provide service.

Tom Krueger

December 2010

When asked how he liked being a member of Troop 345 the newest member Mingo stated, "I am so glad that I joined the troop.  I'm having so much fun with all my new friends!" - Dec. 2010
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