San Antonio, Texas, United States
Boy Scout Troop 345 is sponsored by the Northwood Presbyterian Church of San Antonio TX. Traditionally Troop 345 has been a well rounded group known and respected for it's out going adventure in camping, hiking and learning new things. As many members reach the adult phase of their scouting many new boys have crossed over into the troop creating the opportunity to take the troop in a new direction and discover new interests, adventures and build lasting friendship all the while molding into the future men of tomorrow's world. As their leaders we look forward not only to what we can share with these young men through their scouting journey but also we are excited to see what we as adults may learn from them.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Camping at Bear Creek

Summer arrived and preparations for the annual week long camping trip began. This year the guys voted to attend summer camp at Bear Creek near Kerrville, TX.  

Mitchell and Cole cleaning the trailer
After the trailer was cleaned the guys packed up and headed for an entire week of good ole' Texas summer heat. Upon arriving at Bear Creek the guys discovered what was to be their sleeping accommodations for the upcoming week.  They appeared hot, cramped and uncomfortable but the guys made the best of it.

View coming into the campsite.
Close up view of the tents.

Sign that hangs above tables at campsite.

The campsite was adopted by Troop 345 and this is the sign leading into the campsite:

Troop 345 shared their campsite with visiting Troop 911 from Sugarland, TX.

Throughout the entire long, hot week there were plenty of chores to be completed by everyone.  Each chore was vital to the running of the camp. 
Chores such as fetching water and dinner preparations were only a few.
Carson and Chris on their way back from a water run. 

  Mr. Riggs and David 

After witnessing David and Mitchell preparing the scout food (above) it was a relief to find out that adults were in charge of their meals and the boys were in charge of their meals.

Mr. Jones at the cook station

Throughout the week the boys worked on several merit badges including topics such as rifles, tracking,  swimming and more!  Troop 345 member Mitchell even worked on his lifeguard certification!

David showing off his target
Cole waiting for his turn
Chris and Cole discuss their best strategies
Cole happy to be at rifle class
Practice makes perfect!
Mr. Jones obviously tired at the end of the day.

Mitchell worked very hard all week to become a certified lifeguard!

Even with all the studying and merit badge classes Troop 345 found plenty of time to have fun!

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