San Antonio, Texas, United States
Boy Scout Troop 345 is sponsored by the Northwood Presbyterian Church of San Antonio TX. Traditionally Troop 345 has been a well rounded group known and respected for it's out going adventure in camping, hiking and learning new things. As many members reach the adult phase of their scouting many new boys have crossed over into the troop creating the opportunity to take the troop in a new direction and discover new interests, adventures and build lasting friendship all the while molding into the future men of tomorrow's world. As their leaders we look forward not only to what we can share with these young men through their scouting journey but also we are excited to see what we as adults may learn from them.


Why Join Scouting? 

Scouting reinforces the skills and values we want our sons to learn while they're having fun. 



Scouting is designed to promote socially acceptable behavior while giving our young boys the skills and knowledge they need to make wise decisions. Scouts, families and communities help their education in :
  • Physical and mental health
  • Environmental stewardship
  • Good Citizenship
  • Setting and achieving goals
  • Helping others in need
  • Fighting child abuse and substance abuse
  • Career preparation and education

Leadership Skills:

Scouting teaches our young boys the skills that help prepare them for a lifetime of ethical leadership. Among Scouting alumni are:
  • Almost 90% of all Senior Class and Student Council Presidents
  • More than two-thirds of all Rhodes Scholars
  • More than two-thirds of military academy graduates


Research conducted by Louis Harris & Associates showed that when a random sample of Scouts was asked what Scouting had taught them, almost nine out of ten responded that Scouting helped them:
  • Take better care of the environment (89%)
  • Get along with others (88%)
  • Always give your best effort (87%)
  • Have confidence in yourself (87%)
  • Set goals for yourself (87%)
  • Care for other people (86%)
  • Treat other people with respect (86%)
In addition, Scouts were found to be more likely to:
  • Assume leadership roles in clubs and school organizations
  • Put the needs of others before themselves
  • Make the most ethical, not necessarily easiest, decisions
  • Value education and the environment
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